Post by Dietmar on Jan 27, 2013 at 11:42pmCrow Dog I´d
like to start a thread about Crow Dog, who is well known for his role
in the killing of Sicangu Chief Spotted Tail. Crow Dog was a leader in
the Brule Orphan Band, the Wablenicha. He was related to other leading
Orphan clans like the Iron Shells. Most of what I know about Crow Dog is from “Crow Dog – Four generations of Sioux Medicine Men” by Leonard Crow Dog & Richard Erdoes, Harper&Collins, 1995, a book I highly recommend: “Old
man Crow Dog, the first of that name, was a buffalo hunter. He knew the
ways of the buffalo and of the animals in the forest. He was born in
1836 and died in 1912. A government paper says he was born earlier, in
1832. Maybe so. Before he took the name Crow Dog he had six other names.
One of them was Mato Sicha, Bad Bear. “ (page 11) According to Leonard, Crow Dog took the name Kangi Shunka Manitou
after his first fight with enemies. It means Crow Coyote, not Crow Dog,
but an interpreter translated it wrongly and the name stuck. Later
at the reservation a census taker gave him the Christian name Jerome, so
he´s also known as Jerome Crow Dog in official records. Leonard writes that Crow Dog had two wives. One was Catches Her. A second wife was called Jumping Elk, a Blackfoot woman. His
genealogy remains fragmentary. There´s no mention of Crow Dogs parents.
He had two brothers, Brave Bull and a half-brother named Yellow Horse.
His cousins include Spotted Tail. Crow Dog was a nephew of Conquering Bear, the famous Wahazha leader killed in 1854. Do we know anything more about him? Here are some portraits of Crow Dog:  Crow Dog in Washington 1875 (edited from a delegation group poto)  Crow Dog 1891  Crow Dog by John A. Anderson  Crow Dog by John A. Anderson  Crow Dog & his wife Catches Her (according to Leonard Crow Dog)  Crow Dog 1907 by Edward Curtis  Crow Dog 1898  Crow Dog´s family  Two Strikes, High Hawk and Crow Dog 1891
Post by kingsleybray on Jan 28, 2013 at 12:17pmI have a letter from John Colhoff, or White
Man Stands in Sight, the Pine Ridge interpreter, dated Dec. 31, 1949, to
my late friend Joseph Balmer, of Zurich, Switzerland, which mentions
some of Crow Dog's family connections.
"Kangi Sunka, Crow Dog was
the chief who shot and killed Spotted Tail at Rosebud Agency, South
Dakota, in August 1881 . . . He was an Oglala but was married to a
Rosebud woman, he was related to the famous U.S. [Army] scout Yellow
Horse of Herrick, S.D. The Red Willows of Wanbli, S.D. As you know,
Yellow Horse was married to one of Red Cloud's daughters [his] No. 1
wife. [Yellow Horse's] No. 2 wife was also Oglala woman, No. 3 was a
Rosebud woman. Yellow Bear, Mato gi, the chief of the Spleen band,
killed by John Richards, or Reshaw on the North Platte [in 1872] was
also a cousin of Crow Dog."
John Colhoff told anthropologist
William K. Powers that the Red Willow band at Pine Ridge was "originally
a part of the Spleen band."
So Crow Dog was bon an Oglala,
according to Colhoff, with connections to the Spleen band of that tribe.
He was related as a "nephew" to Scattering Bear, of the Brule Wazhazha
band. Since Scattering Bear and Spotted Tail were related, perhaps as
cousins, Crow Dog may have been 'nephew' to Spotted Tail as well. An
interesting dynamic. He was also related to the Iron Shell family.
Victor Douville told me that Crow Dog and Iron Shell were related to
each other as cousins or brothers-in-law, he wasn't sure which.
while inviting more feedback from relatives, it looks like one of Crow
Dog's parents was an Oglala of the Spleen band, possibly a sibling of
the chief Black Hawk ('father' to Yellow Bear); and his other parent was
a Brule (Wazhazha?), a sibling/cousin to Scattering Bear. Born c.
1832, he lived in adulthood in the Brule Orphan band of chief Iron
Shell, perhaps reflecting his marriage. By 1875 he was recognized as one
of the head akichita in the Upper Brule tribe.
Post by kingsleybray on Jan 28, 2013 at 12:51pmHaha. Antoine Bordeaux told Walter Camp (in
Camp Papers, University of Indiana, microfilm ed.) that Iron Shell's
"brothers" were Dog Hawk, Crow Dog, Bell Snake, Moccasin Face, and Brave
Dog Hawk was the headman of another extended family group within the Orphan band.
Bell Snake and Moccasin Face: no more information known to me.
Crow Dog and Brave Bull - noted as brothers by Dietmar above from family information.
I would say is that Crow Dog and Brave Bull were unlikely to have been
full brothers - in the European sense - to Iron Shell. They were more
likely to be classificatory brothers, for instance sons of Iron Shell's
father's brother or his mother's sister. But this would fit Victor
Douville's suggestion of a 'cousin' (European sense) connection btw Crow
Dog and Iron Shell.
Post by grahamew on Jan 28, 2013 at 8:30pmThe artist DeCost Smith, seeing Crow Dog in
1884, noted he was an affable man who tried to use a few English words
in his conversation. He "habitually wore a six-shooter on his right
hip... There was nothing Indian about his dress, which consisted of a
soft black hat, black shirt and dark trousers tucked into high-heeled
cowboy boots... He had a thin beard, and his hair which hing loose just
below his ears was curly, an unusual thing in an Indian." He goes
on to say that when he met him again, some 18 years later, he wore his
hair "long in the Indian fashion... His face was beardless; he wore
blanket, leggings and moccasins, and he did not attempt any English.  Another photo - taken at the same time as the last one Dietmar posted above.
Post by Dietmar on Jan 29, 2013 at 11:12pmIn Leonard Crow Dog´s book it is stated that
Henry CD´s great-grandfather on his mother´s side was Nahca Cica,
Little Chief. If I got it right he then was the father of Crow Dog´s
wife, possibly Catches Her. Was there a Little Chief in the Iron Shell family? More portraits of Crow Dog:  Crow Dog in 1894 (edited from a group photo)  Buffalo Bill & Crow Dog 1891 (edited from a group photo)
Post by miller7513 on Jan 31, 2013 at 3:57amSome info on Crow Dog, Long Chin, Red Leaf, Brave Bear, Hollow Horn Bear, Dog Hawk and Little Chief
1 Long Chin born 1806 in Brule Sioux. He married unknown. 2
Brave Bear born 1809 in Oglala Sioux Nation; died 19 Aug 1854 in Ft
Laramie, Wyoming. He married (1st) Four Times (2nd) Returns Last 3 Red Leaf, born 1812 He married (1st) Spotted Tail Sister (Long Woman); (2nd) Fight All The Time 4 Spotted Elk Brule Sioux
1 Long Chin Oglala, born 1806 in Brule Sioux. He married unknown. Children of Long Chin were as follows: (1)
Crow Dog, born 1833 Oglala Sioux ; died 1912 in Rosebud Sioux
Reservation. He married (1st) Good Home; (2nd) Cook Her; (3rd) Jumping
Elk (2) Dog Hawk, born 1839 Oglala Lakota Sioux. He married (1st) Nation; (2nd) Little Elk
2 Brave Bear Oglala born 1809 in Oglala Sioux; died 19 Aug 1854 in
Ft Laramie, Wyoming. He married (1st) Four Times born in Oglala Sioux,
daughter of Red Cloud and Northern Cheyenne Woman; (2nd) Returns Last,
daughter of Red Cloud and Northern Cheyenne Woman.
Notes for Brave Bear (---) Bear That Scatters-Scattering Bear wife ?----That speaks Bear Runs Fearless was Red Cloud’s brother-in-law The
appointment of Brave Bear as head Chief must have been very important
to Spotted Tail for Brave Bear was his cousin, presumably on his
mother’s side, pg 55 Spotted Tail's Folk Also on pg 67-68 Red Leaf his brother and Long Chin, his half-brother Also on pg 316 Spotted Tail's Folk-related to Iron Shell-and pg 313 a nephew, Crow Dog James R. Walker. Translated by Ella Deloria
Children of Brave Bear and Four Times were as follows:
(1) Afraid Of Bear, born 1841 in Oglala Sioux; died 9 Jan 1913 in
Pine Ridge, Shannon, South Dakota. He married (1st) Eagle; (2nd) Moves
Lodge. (2 ) George Sword, born 1847 in Oglala Lakota; died 18
Nov 1910 in Pine Ridge, Shannon, South Dakota. He married Lucy Ann
(Different Eagle) Sword. (3) Poor Dog, died 1876 in Oglala Lakota Nation. (4) White Calf, born in Oglala Lakota Nation.
Children of Brave Bear and Returns Last were as follows: (5) Fast Horse, born in Oglala Lakota Nation. (6) Beautiful Snake Woman, born in Oglala Lakota Nation. Notes: Bell Snake (7) Bad Nostrils born in Oglala Lakota Nation. (8) Bear Runs Fearless, born in Oglala Lakota Nation.
3. Red Leaf Oglala, born 1812 in Oglala Sioux Nation. He married
(1st) Spotted Tail Sister (Long Woman) born Sicangu Brule, daughter of
Tangle Hair and Walks With Pipe; (2nd) Fight All The Time. Notes for Red Leaf Crazy Horse Surrender Ledger Pg 39 2-1-1-2 Wahzahzah Pg 73 4-4-1-3 Wahzahzah Red Leaf with him Red Leaf Jr Pretty Yellow Fox, Little Tail Pg
125 Red Leaf 5 in family-Hair Pipe 6 in family-Different Tail 6 in
family-Goes Out Bad 7 in family-Sleeps 5 in family-One Who Kills Bear 3
in family Pg 143 ration tickets 17 in lodge Pg 153 transferred to Spotted Tail April 21st 30 Jun 1889 Standing Rock pg 113 mother Hunkpapa Sioux 30 Jun 1892 Pine Ridge pg 367 father 3 Mar 1893 Pine Ridge mother 30 Jun 1894 Pine Ridge father Full
brother to Brave Bear and a relative of Sitting Bull and married
Spotted Tail's sister, pg 49 Spotted Tail's Folk. A younger half brother
to Long Chin pg 68 and 78
Children of Red Leaf and Spotted Tail Sister Long Woman were as follows: Brings Her Horses, born 1849 in Oglala Sioux. She married unknown.
Crow Dog, born 1833 in Oglala Sioux; died 1912 in Rosebud Sioux
Reservation. He married (1st) Good Home, born 1842 in Oglala Sioux;
(2nd) Cook Her, born 1843 in Oglala Lakota Sioux, daughter of Little
Chief; (3rd) Jumping Elk, born in Blackfoot Notes for Crow Dog Crow Dog Kangi Sunka- Crow Coyote Kangi Shunka Manitou-Bad Bear Mato Sicha- 1833-1910.
Crow Dog was present when CRAZY HORSE was killed at Fort Robinson,
Nebraska, in 1877, he helped prevent a retaliatory attack on U.S. Army
soldiers at the fort. He was police chief at the Rosebud Reservation in
1879-1880, during which time he assassinated SPOTTED TAIL. Crow Dog was
born at Horse Stealing Creek, Montana Territory, into a family of
esteemed warriors. Before submitting to reservation life, he made his
reputation in battle. As the Sioux were confined on reservations
following the CUSTER battle at the Little Bighorn, dissension arose
among some of their leaders. On one occasion, Spotted Tail was accused
by RED CLOUD of pocketing the proceeds from a sale of tribal land. Crow
Dog heard rumors that Spotted Tail was selling Lakota land to the
railroads, building himself an enormous white-styled mansion with
proceeds. In mid-July 1880, Spotted Tail was called before the general
council by Crow Dog's White Horse Group, where he denied the charges.
The council voted to retain him as head chief, but Crow Dog continued to
assert the chief's complicity in various crimes against the people.
Crow Dog carried out his own death sentence on Spotted Tail on August 5,
1881. Blood money was paid in traditional BRULE fashion for the crime.
Crow Dog was also convicted of murder in a Dakota Territory court; he
was later freed on order of the U.S. Supreme Court, which ruled that the
territorial government had no jurisdiction over the crime. Later, Crow
Dog was one of the leaders in popularizing WOVOKA's Ghost Dance among
the Lakota. Crow Dog adopted the religion from SHORT BULL. Crow Dog
vociferously opposed U.S. Army occupation of South Dakota Indian
reservations and was one of the last holdouts after the massacre of BIG
Foot¿s people at the Wounded Knee during December 1890. Crow Dog spent
the last years of his life in relative peace on the Rosebud Sioux
Reservation in South Dakota. The nephew of Brave Bear, chief of the Lakota Wazhazha (Orphan Band), and cousin of Iron Shell (pg 113To Kill An Eagle) Consequently,
Crow Dog was told by his cousin, Black Crow, that he had to live
separately from the tribe for the rest of his days and that the next
four generations of his family also would be ostracized. Notes for Good Home 1900 census Rosebud married 39 yrs 11 children 5 still living Notes for Cook Her 30 Jun 1891 Rosebud pg 354 Cook Her
Children of Crow Dog and Good Home were as follows:
(1) Jerome Crow Dog, born 1853 in Oglala Sioux. He married (1st)
One Who Walks With Stars Crow Dog; (2nd) Holy Cane Crow Dog. (2) Ghost Dog, born 1855 in Oglala Sioux Nation. He married Sarah. Nellie Crow Dog, born Apr 1870 in Oglala Sioux, South Dakota. (3) Alexander Crow Dog, born Oct 1885 in Oglala Sioux, South Dakota.
Children of Crow Dog (---) and Cook Her (---) were as follows:
(4) John4 Crow Dog, born 1869 in Oglala Lakota Sioux. He married (1)
Mary (Arm) Crow Dog; (2) Jennie (Little Bear) Crow Dog.
Dog Hawk, born 1839 in Oglala Lakota Sioux. He married (1st) Nation,
born 1842 in Oglala Lakota Sioux; (2nd) Little Elk, born 1857 in Oglala
Lakota Sioux. Notes for Dog Hawk Che Ton Shon Car--Sunka Cetan Crazy Horse Surrender Ledger Pg
100 arrivals from the north 120 lodges- Scared Bear, Small Tail, Two
Tails, Iron Shell, Medicine Eagle, Between Lodges, Dog Hawk..... 30 Jun 1887 Rosebud pg 92 30 Jun 1891 Rosebud pg 354 wife & child 30 Jun 1892 Rosebud pg 124 wife & child Pg 130 Spotted Tail's Folk 27 June 1866 signed treaty Spotted Tail Brule Ring Band head Chief of Brule's Swift Bear Brule Corn Band Dog Hawk Brule Orphan band Hawk Thunder (Thunder Hawk) Brule And
pg 316-17 Hollow Horn Bear, son of Iron Shell, was now the Chief of the
Orphan's; but in that group the most experianced and influential
leaders were Crow Dog and Dog Hawk, both whom hated Spotted Tail. Notes for Nation (---) 30 Jun 1887 Rosebud pg 92 Notes for Little Elk (---) 30 Jun 1887 Rosebud pg 92
Children of Dog Hawk and Nation were as follows: Peter Dog Hawk, born 1871 in Oglala Lakota Sioux. Notes: 30 Jun 1887 Rosebud pg 92
Children of Dog Hawk and Little Elk were as follows: (1) Shake Hands, born 1884 in Oglala Lakota Sioux. Notes: 30 Jun 1887 Rosebud pg 92 (2)
Pouting Over Paint, born 1885 in Rosebud Sioux. Notes: 30 Jun 1887
Rosebud pg 92 Pouting Over Paint 30 Jun 1891 Rosebud pg 354 Quarrel Over
Paint 30 Jun 1892 Rosebud pg 124 Red Paint (3) Little Woman, born in Oglala Lakota Sioux.
Bull Tail, born 1770 in Brule Sioux, Minnesota; died Aug 1851 in Upper Platte, son of Crooked Hand. He married unknown. Notes for Bull Tail One of the principle Chief's in 1840 Pg 8 Crazy Horse Strange Man of The Oglala's Also Hollow Horned Bear
Children of Bull Tail (---) were as follows: Iron Shell, born 1808 in Sioux Nation, Brule. He married Oglala Woman. Little Chief, born 1823 in Oglala Lakota Sioux. He married (1st) unknown; (2nd) Over The Ridge; (3rd) Elk Woman.
Generation 2
2. Iron Shell, born 1808 in Sioux Nation, Brule. He married Oglala Woman, born in Oglala Lakota Sioux. Notes for Iron Shell Iron Shell was related to Brave Bear-Scattering Bear
Children of Iron Shell and Oglala Woman were as follows: Iron Shell, born 1845 in Sioux Nation, Oglala. He married (1st) Kiss Once; (2nd) Lizzie. Hollow Horn Bear, born 1850 in Oglala Brule, Rosebud, South Dakota; died 1913 in Washington D.C.. He married Good Bed . Goes to War, born in Brule Sioux Nation. Notes: pg 130 The Killing of Chief Crazy Horse
Little Chief, born 1823 in Oglala Lakota Sioux. He married (1st)
unknown; (2nd) Over The Ridge, born 1839 in Oglala Sioux Nation; (3) Elk
Woman, born 1844 in Oglala Sioux Nation. Notes for Little Chief Crazy Horse Surrender Ledger Pg 30 3-3-4-1 Oglala Pg 72 4-2-3-0 Wahzahzah Little Chief with him Yankton, Feather Ears, Grease Pg 122 Red Fly 8 in family-Little Chief 10 in family-Bad Mustang 4 in family-Bad Ree 10 in family Pg 154 transfers to Spotted Tail Little Chief & The Back April 22nd 1900 census Rosebud pg 185a widowed 2 children living parents b in S Dakota 30 Jun 1887 Rosebud pg 37 30 Jun 1891 Rosebud pg 323 30 Jun 1892 Rosebud pg 136 Notes for Over The Ridge (---) 30 jun 1887 Rosebud pg 37 Notes for Elk Woman (---) 30 Jun 1887 Rosebud pg 37 30 Jun 1891 Rosebud pg 323 30 Jun 1892 Rosebud pg 136
Children of Little Chief (---) were as follows: Cook Her, born 1843 in Oglala Lakota Sioux. She married Crow Dog . Little Chief, born 1845 in Oglala Sioux Nation. He married Woman . Old
Woman Butte, born 1848 in Oglala Sioux Nation, North Dakota. Notes:
1900 census Rosebud pg 185a widow 3 children 1 living parents b in S
Children of Little Chief and Elk Woman were as follows: Owns The World, born 1872 in Oglala Sioux Nation. Notes: 30 jun 1887 Rosebud pg 37 Red Turnips, born 1876 in Oglala Sioux Nation. Notes: 30 jun 1887 Rosebud pg 37 Red Turnips Red Rosebud, born 1881 in Oglala Sioux Nation. Notes: 30 jun 1887 Rosebud pg 37 Red Rosebud Good, born 1885 in Rosebud Sioux. Notes: 30 Jun 1891 Rosebud pg 323
Generation 3
Iron Shell born 1845 in Sioux Nation, Oglala. He married (1st) Kiss
Once, born 1848 in Oglala Sioux Nation, Wyoming; (2) Lizzie, born 1858
in Oglala Sioux, Wyoming; died 9 Apr 1935 in Pine Ridge South Dakota. Notes for Iron Shell 1910 census Wounded Knee pg 120b married twice 36 yrs parents b in SD Cousin of Crow Dog (pg 113To Kill An Eagle) relative of Crazy Horse pg 109 Notes for Kiss Once 30 Jun 1900 Rosebud pg 446 1910 census Wounded Knee pg 120b parents b in Mont sister of Lizzie Notes for Lizzie 1910 census Wounded Knee pg 120b parents b in Mont sister of Kiss Once
Children of Iron Shell and Kiss Once were as follows: William Iron Shell, born 1876 in Rosebud. He married Gladys Iron Shell. Peter Iron Shell, born 1877 in Brule Nation. He married (1st) Alice Iron Shell; (2nd) Hannah (Eagle Man) Iron Shell. Frank4
Iron Shell, born 1882 in Rosebud Sioux. He married (1st) Della Iron
Shell; (2nd) Fannie ((---)) Iron Shell; (3rd) Lulu Iron Shell; (4th)
Gladys Iron Shell.
5. Hollow Horn Bear, born 1850 in Oglala
Brule, Rosebud, South Dakota; died 1913 in Washington D.C.. He married
Good Bed, born 1858 in Cheyenne Nation; died 1921 in Rosebud Sioux. Notes for Hollow Horn Bear 30 Jun 1887 Rosebud pg 102 wives Bird & Wounded Head 30 Jun 1891 Rosebud pg 359 30 Jun 1892 Rosebud pg 130 30 Jun 1895 Rosebud pg 273 30 Jun 1898 Rosebud pg 145 30 Jun 1901 Rosebud pg 109 30 Jun 1904 Rosebud pg 447 30 Jun 1905 Rosebud pg 586 30 Jun 1909 Rosebud pg 311 1900 census Rosebud pg 282 married 27 yrs parents b in S Dakota 1850-1913.
pg 74 & 316-21 Spotted Tail's Folk Iron Shells son. Hollow Horn
Bear fought with the leading chiefs of the Plains against subjugation
until the 1870s; after that, he favored peace with the whites and became
something of a celebrity along the East Coast. In his later years,
Hollow Horn Bear attended several official functions as a Native
representative, including two inaugural parades. His likeness appeared
on a fourteen-cent stamp as well as on a five-dollar bill._Born in
Sheridan Country, Nebraska, a son of Chief Iron Shell, Hollow Horn Bear
earned his early fame as a warrior, he raided the Pawnees at first then
aided other Sioux leaders in harassing forts along the Bozeman Trail,
between 1866 and 1868, when the Treaty of Fort Laramie was signed.
During this time, he gained fame as the chief who defeated Lieutenant
William Fetterman. Hollow Horn Bear was appointed as head of Indian
police at the Rosebud Agency, South Dakota; in this role, he arrested
Crow Dog for the murder of Spotted Tail. Hollow Horn Bear also became
involved in treaty negotiations because of his oratorical abilities._In
1905, Hollow Horn Bear was invited to take part in the inauguration of
President Theodore Roosevelt. In 1913, he led a group of Indians to the
presidential inauguration parade for Woodrow Wilson. On that visit,
Hollow Horn Bear caught pneumonia and died. Born 1850. First
war-party at twelve against Pawnee. At nineteen he took the pipe and led
a party, which killed a number of Pawnee wood-haulers. Struck a first
coup-"kill right"-in that battle. After that his father, Iron Shell,
desired him to take that name, but he said that he would take his
grandfather's name instead, and make the name Hollow Horn Bear good.
During his career as a warrior, he counted coup many times and
participated in twenty-three fights with Pawnee, Omaha, Ponca, Ute,
Arikara, and United States troops. He was present at the Custer fight. Notes for Good Bed (---) 30 Jun 1887 Rosebud pg 102 30 Jun 1891 Rosebud pg 359 30 Jun 1892 Rosebud pg 130 30 Jun 1895 Rosebud pg 273 30 Jun 1898 Rosebud pg 145 30 Jun 1901 Rosebud pg 109 30 Jun 1904 Rosebud pg 447 30 Jun 1905 Rosebud pg 586 30 Jun 1909 Rosebud pg 311 alone 1913-1921
Children of Hollow Horn Bear and Good Bed were as follows:
Laura4 Hollow Horn Bear, born 1875 in Brule Nation. Notes: 30 Jun
1887 Rosebud pg 102 Medicine 30 Jun 1891 Rosebud pg 359 Red Bird 30 Jun
1892 Rosebud pg 130 Yellow Bird 30 Jun 1895 Rosebud pg 273 John4
Hollow Horn Bear, born 1877 in Oglala Brule, Rosebud, Sd. Notes: 30
Jun 1887 Rosebud pg 102 Reckless 30 Jun 1891 Rosebud pg 359 Brave 30 Jun
1892 Rosebud pg 130 Kills Reckless 30 Jun 1895 Rosebud pg 273 30 Jun
1898 Rosebud pg 145 30 Jun 1904 Rosebud pg 447 pg 447 1900 census
Rosebud pg 282 parents b in S Dakota Henry4 Hollow Horn Bear, born
1882 in Brule Nation. Notes: 30 Jun 1887 Rosebud pg 102 Holy Bird 30
Jun 1891 Rosebud pg 359 Holy Bird 30 Jun 1892 Rosebud pg 130 Holy Bird
30 Jun 1895 Rosebud pg 273 30 Jun 1898 Rosebud pg 145 30 Jun 1904
Rosebud pg 447 pg 447 Daniel4 Hollow Horn Bear, born 1885 in Oglala
Sioux Todd, South Dakota. He married Winnie ((---)) Hollow Horn Bear.
Notes: 30 Jun 1887 Rosebud pg 102 Boy 30 Jun 1891 Rosebud pg 359 Helper
30 Jun 1904 Rosebud pg 447 pg 447 1900 census Todd pg 308b married 3
yrs Jennie4 Hollow Horn Bear, born 1891 in Brule Nation. Notes: 30
Jun 1891 Rosebud pg 359 30 Jun 1892 Rosebud pg 130 30 Jun 1895 Rosebud
pg 273 30 Jun 1898 Rosebud pg 145 30 Jun 1901 Rosebud pg 447 pg 109 30
Jun 1904 Rosebud pg 447 pg 447 Emily4 Hollow Horn Bear, born 1893 in
Brule Nation. Notes: 30 Jun 1895 Rosebud pg 273 30 Jun 1898 Rosebud
pg 145 30 Jun 1901 Rosebud pg 447 pg 109 30 Jun 1904 Rosebud pg 447 pg
447 Paul4 Hollow Horn Bear, born 1895 in Brule Nation. Notes: 30 Jun 1898 Rosebud pg 145 James4 Hollow Horn Bear, born 1900 in Brule Nation. Notes: 30 Jun 1901 Rosebud pg 447 pg 109
Cook Her, born 1843 in Oglala Lakota Sioux. She married Crow Dog, born
1833 in Oglala Sioux; died 1912 in Rosebud Sioux Reservation, son of
Long Chin Notes for Cook Her 30 Jun 1891 Rosebud pg 354 Cook Her
Children of Cook Her and Crow Dog were as follows: John4 Crow Dog, born 1869 in Oglala Lakota Sioux. He married (1st) Mary (Arm) Crow Dog; (2nd) Jennie (Little Bear) Crow Dog.
8. Little Chief, born 1845 in Oglala Sioux. He married Woman, born 1846 in Oglala Lakota Sioux. Notes for Little Chief 30 Jun 1887 Rosebud pg 220 Wahzahzah 30 Jun 1891 Rosebud pg 433 30 Jun 1892 Rosebud pg 105 1900 census Rosebud pg 185a 2 children living parents b in S Dakota his niece and sister living with him Notes for Woman (---) 30 Jun 1887 Rosebud pg 220 Wahzahzah 30 Jun 1891 Rosebud pg 433 30 Jun 1892 Rosebud pg 105
Children of Little Chief and Woman were as follows: Gilbert Little Chief, born 1871 in Oglala Lakota Sioux. He married Alice Little Chief. James Little Chief, born 1875 in Oglala Sioux Nation. He married Alice Little Chief. Pretty Man, born 1882 in Oglala Lakota Sioux. Notes: 30 Jun 1887 Rosebud pg 220 Wahzahzah
Post by kingsleybray on Jan 31, 2013 at 1:09pmThanks, LaDeane. An amazing spread of data.
Just one correction, the Brave Bear who married Red Cloud's sister and
was the father of George Sword and others - he is not the same man as
Brave Bear/Conquering Bear/Scattering Bear. The latter was a Wazhazha.
The other, who died in 1874 according to a statement by his son George
Sword was an Oglala, Bad Face band.
A snapshot of the family in the Rosebud Census 1887, Brule No. 2 Band, 11 people:
Crow Dog, age 54 Cooks the Pot, 49, Wife Leave Her Rock, 42, Wife Ugly Woman, 20, Daughter Yankton, 13, Da White Woman, 5, Da Lightning, 6, Da John, 8, Son Dead Dog, 12, Son Thunder Comes Out, 10, Son Log, 2, Son
Post by miller7513 on Jan 31, 2013 at 5:50pmAlmost everyone I know gets the Red Cloud’s mixed up
Red Cloud, born 1778 in Oglala Sioux Nation, son of Red Cloud. He
married (1st) Northern Cheyenne Woman, born in Cheyenne Nation; (2nd)
Oglala Woman, born in Oglala Sioux Nation. Notes for Red Cloud Chief Red Cloud's uncle Notes for Northern Cheyenne Woman Mari Sandoz-Cheyenne Woman married Red Cloud
Children of Red Cloud and Northern Cheyenne Woman were as follows: (1) Four Times, born in Oglala Sioux Nation. She married Brave Bear. (2) Returns Last, born in Oglala Sioux Nation. She married Brave Bear. (3)
Red Cloud, born 1826 in Oglala Sioux Nation. He married White Faced
Woman, born 1831 in Oglala Sioux Nation. Notes: Southern Red Cloud 30
Jun 1886 Cheyenne River pg #469 30 Jun 1887 Cheyenne River pg #469 30
Jun 1890 Cheyenne River pg #469 30 Jun 1891 Cheyenne River pg 416 1 Jul
1902 Cheyenne River 1 Jul 1911 Cheyenne River Bear On The Hill other
source OLC Mari Sandoz
Children of Red Cloud and Oglala Woman were as follows: (4) Walks On, born 1801 in Oglala Sioux Nation; died 1830 in Oglala Sioux Nation. She married He Bear. (5) Daughter of2 Red Cloud, born in Oglala Sioux Nation. She married Red Dog Horse.
Four Times, born in Oglala Sioux Nation. She married Brave Bear, born
1809 in Oglala Sioux Nation; died 19 Aug 1854 in Ft Laramie, Wyoming,
son of Oglala and Walks As She Thinks. Notes for Brave Bear (---) Bear That Scatters-Scattering Bear- wife ?----That speaks Bear Runs Fearless was Red Cloud¿s brother-in-law The
appointment of Brave Bear as head Chief must have been very important
to Spotted Tail for Brave Bear was his cousin, presumably on his mothers
side, pg 55 Spotted Tail's Folk Also on pg 67-68 Red Leaf his brother and Long Chin, his half-brother Also on pg 316 Spotted Tail's Folk-related to Iron Shell-and pg 313 a nephew, Crow Dog James R. Walker. Translated by Ella Deloria
Children of Four Times and Brave Bear were as follows: (1)
Afraid Of Bear, born 1841 in Oglala Sioux Nation; died 9 Jan 1913 in
Pine Ridge, Shannon, South Dakota. He married (1st) Eagle; (2nd) Moves
Lodge. (2) George Sword, born 1847 in Oglala Lakota Nation; died 18
Nov 1910 in Pine Ridge, Shannon, South Dakota. He married Lucy Ann
(Different Eagle) Sword. (3) Poor Dog, died 1876 in Oglala Lakota Nation. (4) White Calf, born in Oglala Lakota Nation.
Last, born in Oglala Sioux Nation. She married Brave Bear, born 1809
in Oglala Sioux Nation; died 19 Aug 1854 in Ft Laramie, Wyoming, son of
Oglala and Walks As She Thinks. Notes for Brave Bear Bear That Scatters-Scattering Bear wife ?----That speaks Bear Runs Fearless was Red Cloud¿s brother-in-law The
appointment of Brave Bear as head Chief must have been very important
to Spotted Tail for Brave Bear was his cousin, presumably on his mothers
side, pg 55 Spotted Tail's Folk Also on pg 67-68 Red Leaf his brother and Long Chin, his half-brother Also on pg 316 Spotted Tail's Folk-related to Iron Shell-and pg 313 a nephew, Crow Dog James R. Walker. Translated by Ella Deloria
Children of Returns Last and Brave Bear were as follows: (1) Fast Horse, born in Oglala Lakota Nation. (2) Beautiful Snake Woman, born in Oglala Lakota Nation. Notes: Bell Snake (3) Bad Nostrils, born in Oglala Lakota Nation. (4) Bear Runs Fearless, born in Oglala Lakota Nation. LaDeane
Post by miller7513 on Feb 3, 2013 at 2:36pmKingsley concerning Brave Bear; Take this into consideration-Chief Red Cloud’s parents died ABT 1825-6. Yellow Lodge was the last born 1824-5 Big Spider b 1812 father of Black Buffalo Woman and Red Feather Roaring Cloud b 1815 Brings Spotted b ABT 1817 married Stabber Pretty
White Ears b 1819-20 married an unknown and was recorded in census 30
Jun 1886 Pine Ridge pg 116 mother of Dirt Kettle and her mother was
Medicine Face wife of Lone Man Red Cedar b 1822 married first Marcellin St. Vrain 2nd William Bransford After his parents died, his “sisters” (that would be his aunts, Smoke Chief’s sisters-Takola win and Midday Sun ) raised him THEREFORE any children would have to be born on or before 1810 The Brave Bear you talk about was born 1832-38 (The Brave Bear who married Red Cloud's sister was born before 1810) LaDeane
Post by kingsleybray on Feb 3, 2013 at 3:57pmHi La Deane,
my point was that Brave
Bear the father of George Sword (bn 1847) and his brothers was a Bad
Face Oglala, married to a 'sister' of Red Cloud's. You correctly
identify those children in your post. George Sword gave his father's
Lakota name as Mato Kagishni Inyanke, which literally translates Bear
Runs Without Fear - loosely, Brave Bear. Indeed he was born early in the
19th century. Afraid of Bear (born 1843), another of his sons, told JR
Walker that his father was born about the Year the Good White Man Came, a
winter count year matching about 1802-03.
This "Brave Bear",
the brother-in-law of Red Cloud, who died on April the first, 1874,
according to George Sword, was a different man from the Wazhazha leader
whose Lakota name was Mato Wayuhi. His name is conventionally translated
as Conquering Bear or Brave Bear, but the verb -yuhi means 'scattering'
as e.g. a bear scattering earth when it digs up roots. That's why I
translate that name as Scattering Bear. It also saves on confusion with
other people with similar names.
Scattering Bear was the leader
selected as the Teton head chief by the treaty commission at Horse Creek
in 1851, and who was killed by Grattan's troops in 1854. He too must
have been born early in the 19th c. About 1805-1810 seems the right
frame to me. So he and Brave Bear were near contemporaries, but they
were two different men. It was the latter, the Oglala Brave Bear who had
the marriage connection to Red Cloud's sister.
I know there was
an Oglala called Brave Bear born in the 1830s. I am unsure of his
family background, and would appreciate any help in identifying his
Post by gregor on Feb 3, 2013 at 8:46pm
Post by Dietmar on Mar 8, 2013 at 4:51pm Crow Dog, sitting far left, with He Dog, High Hawk and others
Post by clarence on Jun 9, 2016 at 12:14pmGood morning, looking at the 1891 Crow
Dog pictures, credited to Grabill or Moreledge, where he's together with
Two Strike and another man identified as High Hawk, I would say,
comparing these pictures with the noted 1872 Gardner series, that this
man is instead Gassy. Best regards Clarence
Post by grahamew on Jun 9, 2016 at 4:44pm
Post by grahamew on Jun 9, 2016 at 7:29pmDeCost Smith description of Crow Dog, probably 1884: There
was nothing Indian about his dress, which consisted of a soft black
hat, black shirt and dark trousers tucked into high-heeled cowboy boots
which fitted his feet admirably. He had a thin beard, and his hair which
hung loose to just below his ears was curly, an unusual thing in an
Indian. He notes that when he met him again, 18 years later, his
hair was long, his face was beardless and he wore blanket, leggings and
moccasins. I came across this illustration in the James Taylor
collection. I wonder if it's the work of Smith, since it's clearly a
younger man than in the Wounded Knee photos and his hair and beard match
the description?  I
have to admit, I wouldn't have thought that by 1884, dress of hat and
trousers was that uncommon on the reservation, Boots, yes. It
was, however, next to this picture, which I think says captain of Indian
Police. To me, it looks like Spotted Tail in a hat (which wasn't there
in the original photo) and Smith arrived out west three years after he'd
been shot: 
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