domingo, 14 de agosto de 2016

aristocracia | Tumblr

aristocracia | Tumblr


La multitud no obedece a la razón.
La multitud obedece a los castigos más que al honor .
Cuando la multitud ejerce la autoridad, es más cruel aún que los tiranos.
Una multitud es como un vasto desierto de hombres.
La tiranía de una multitud es una tiranía multiplicada.
La multitud por sí sola nunca llega a nada sin nadie que la guíe.
Nunca dejes que las voces de la multitud, callen la respuesta de tu conciencia.

No hay mucho más sobre aristocracia. ¿Quieres buscar otra cosa?

Cayetana Duchess of Alba
Avenida Rodriguez de Francia y Antequera (en Asunción, Paraguay)
Sophie Charlotte in Bavaria Duchess of Alencon

Archduchess Maria Theresa of Austria

Duchess of Württemberg

Queen Sophie of the Two Sicilies sister of Empress Sissi of Austria

Princess Maria Immaculata of Bourbon-Two Sicilies Archduchess of Austria
Franz Xaver Winterhalter- 

The Empress Eugénie surrounded by her ladies in waiting (detail) - 1855
The Timeline of Delphi’s Birth
The only concrete information we get from the Cursed Child text is that:

  • Delphi is the daughter of Voldemort and Bellatrix
  • Delphi was born at Malfoy Manor before the Battle of Hogwarts
  • Delphi was raised by the Rowles
  • Draco did not know about the existence of Delphi
If we are taking these post-canon reveals as canon, it therefore makes sense to assume that:

  • Bellatrix was in the early stages of pregnancy during the Dark
    Lord Ascending scene that opens DH, but gave birth shortly before the
    Malfoy Manor scene in DH (which took place less than two months before
    the Battle of Hogwarts). In the months between The Dark Lord Ascending
    and Malfoy Manor, Bellatrix is off-screen/out of action following the
    Seven Potters battle, so her pregnancy would have been on a need-to-know
    basis (and Voldemort, presumably, thought very few people needed to
  • So if Delphi was born in February/March 1998, then she had to have been conceived around May/June 1997, i.e. at the very end of HBP
  • Bellatrix and/or Voldemort left Delphi in care of the Rowle family
    shortly before the Battle of Hogwarts (and then promptly died, of
    course, leaving the Rowles stuck with her). For whatever reason, however
    - whether the Rowles didn’t have ‘clearance’ to such ‘classified
    information’ or whether they made the conscious choice not to - Delphi
    was not informed of her parentage until Rodolphus Lestrange sought her
    out (’on return from Azkaban’, apparently, though why such a prominent
    Death Eater wasn’t given a life sentence is a different canonical puzzle
    to solve…)
  • Regardless of whether Narcissa and/or Lucius were aware of Delphi’s
    existence (which is highly likely, given the fact that Voldemort and
    Bellatrix were living with them for over a year and Bellatrix gave birth
    in their home), it was ensured that Draco was unaware (Lucius and
    Narcissa are both apparently dead in the play, though they would have
    been only in their 60s - it’s not outside the realm of speculation to
    think that Delphi may have had something to do with this, considering
    the older Malfoys may have been the only two people who knew her true
    identity aside from ‘Bellatrix’s loyal husband’)
So, to recap, this would be the retroactive timeline:

End of HBP (May/June 1997) - Delphi is conceived
Mid-DH (February/March 1998) - Delphi is born
End of DH (May 1998) - Delphi is placed in care of the Rowles

(for @sarahsnitch)
confused and weird, Voldy is like 70 years old when Delphi born, and
also he was no longer so human.. Rowling read fics so much the last
my name is Albus Severus Potter I am 14 years old and I adore my best
friend Scorpius Malfoy. However, because this play is strictly NO HOMO I
am going to crush on Voldemort’s 22 year old daughter who has blue hair
and an Augurey tattoo and I wanna do bad things with her in her cool
bedroom locked by a Parseltongue Password and covered in prophecy

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