sábado, 3 de septiembre de 2016

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zohar | Tumblr


Eliphas Levi - Great Prototypal Man, “

The Book of Splendours: The Inner Mysteries of Qabalism”.

“Synthesis of the World, formulated by the human figure, ascended slowly
and emerged from the water, like the Sun in its rising. When the eyes
appeared, Light was made; when the mouth was manifested, there was the
Creation of Spirits and the world passed into expression. The entire
head was revealed, and this completed the first day of Creation. The
shoulders, the arms, the breast arose, and thereupon work began. With
one hand the Divine Image put back the sea, while with the other it
raised up continents and mountains. The Image grew and grew; the
generative organs appeared, and all beings began to increase and
multiply. The form stood at length erect, having one foot upon the Earth
and one upon the Waters. Beholding itself at full length in the ocean
of Creation, it breathed on its own reflection and called its likeness
into life. It said: Let us make man - and thus man was made. There is
nothing so beautiful in the masterpiece of any poet as this vision of
Creation accomplished by the prototype of humanity. Hereby is man but
the shadow of a shadow, and yet he is the image of Divine power. He also
can stretch forth his hands from East to West; to him is the Earth
given as a dominion. Such is Adam Kadmon, the primordial Adam of the
Kabbalists. Such is the sense in which he is depicted as a giant; and
this is why Swedenborg, haunted in his dreams by reminiscences of the
Kabbalah, says that entire Creation is only a titanic man and that we
are made in the image of the Universe.”

“They ascended higher and higher in the divine life, and lived
in the enjoyment of the Beatific Vision being filled with that interior
peace and tranquillity known and experienced only by those who
understand the mysteries of the higher and divine life.”

~ Zohar


of Eliphas Levi’s “The History Of Magic, Including A Clear And Concise
Exposition, Its Rites, And Its Mysteries” published in 1922 and
translated, with preface and notes, by Arthur Edward Waite. The images
are placed according to their order of appearance and these are 1-10.

Eliphas Levi - The Magical Head of the Zohar, “Histoire de la Magie”, 1860.

Magical Head of Zohar is a cabalistic design illustrating the concept
of opposites, the principle of “As Above, So Below”, implying that the
transcendent God beyond the physical universe and the immanent God
within ourselves are one.

“A great fish [letter Nun
Final] coming from the left swims through all these waterways to poison
and corrupt them. Its scales are as steel. From its mouth comes forth a
lurid flame and its tongue is like a sharp sword. Its object is to force
its way into the sanctuary of the great ocean to pollute and defile it
and thus extinguish light, and causing the waters to become frozen, and
the great circulatory water system may cease to operate. "The occult
meaning of this mystery is expressed in the words of scripture, ‘Now the
serpent was wiser than any beast of the field which יהוה אלהים had
made,’ (Genesis 3: 1). This Ida serpent wished to accomplish his aim by
first corrupting the brooklets below [in Yesod] and making them impure
and bitter, so that flowing back to the great ocean their fountain head,
it might become polluted. This is why he first seduced Adam and brought
death into the world and entered into the heart of Adam from the left
"There is, however, another serpent that comes from the right.
These two serpents [Pingala and Ida] are they that are closely attached
to [Sushumna] Adam during his lifetime, as scripture saith, 'of all the
beasts of the field that יהוה אלהים had made,’ these two are the most
cunning, crafty and subtle in tempting and destroying Adam. Woe unto him
[the Initiate] who allows himself to be led on and seduced by the
serpent, for death irretrievable is his doom, physically, morally and
spiritually, both to himself and to those associated with him, as in the
case of Adam who wished to know and become expert in nature’s secrets
and occult science. In revealing them and exciting within him a
fictitious joy and happiness, the serpent acquired that influence and
control over Adam that contributed to and brought his ruin and downfall
and thus caused him to suffer, as also his successors. From the day that
Israel came to the foot [Yesod] of Mount Sinai, the impurity and
corruption wrought by the serpent has not disappeared from the world

- Zohar 

HaZohar. Seventy tikunim, commentaries and secrets on the word
‘Bereishit’. Constantinople, [1740]. 160 leaves. 21 cm. Approbations by
the Constantinople Rabbis. Published according to the edition of [1719]
which was edited by Rabbi Chaim Alfandariand published according to a
copy of the Tikunei HaZohar from the Arizal’s manuscript. With comment
by Rabbi Chaim and Shmuel Vital with the annotations of Rabbi Yaakov
Tzemach.With eleven tikunim from the 'Zohar Chadash’ and 'a few rules
from the kabalistic wisdom of the Arizal’. The approbations are also
from the aforementioned edition.
Visually distinguished by an aquamarine jewel, the Original Zohar
is not to be mistaken for a Zohar Emulator, which are not as powerful.
Zohar Emulators have red Hebrew letters instead of a jewel. The Hyams
Zohar Emulator appears to have a blue letter. Anyone who comes into
physical contact (direct or in the beginning of Episode I, through a
space suit) with the Zohar or its emulators vanishes from physical
space. Unmanned vehicles or auto-techs, however, are unaffected. The
Episode I guide claims this is due to ‘the power of one’s will’.
Kabbalah (Kaw-baw-law) : “The Hidden Science”

        Taught only to a few worthy, highly developed beings for each
generation. These beings already possessed certain inner qualities not
normal to every human. All books on the subject are written in a way
that does not address the physical world. This, regardless of your
brightness, is not able to be understood unless you have a Kabbalistic
grasp on the spiritual world. You must be taught by Kabbalists

        Kabbalah reveals the purpose and system of life itself.
Without a real need to ask the question, you won’t be able to hear the
answer. Today, many seek Kabbalah. Kabbalah is a wisdom of the spiritual
world and life itself, involving the physical world as well.

       “The Wisdom Is No More And No Less Than A Sequence Of
Roots, Which Hang Down By Way Of Cause And Effect, In Fixed, Determined
Rules, Weaving Into A Single, Exalted Goal, Described As: ‘the
revelation of His Godliness to His creatures in this world.’ ”

        There is an upper force, then governing forces that descend from this force that bring upon them our existence.

         The Creator, The Descendants, The Humans.

         5 Worlds, A barrier between them and ours, and the study of the existence beyond that barrier.

        The laws are absolute and everywhere, all directed so that we
may reveal the governing force of nature while remaining in this world.
who have near-death experiences see their entire lives flash before
their eyes, as well as all the regrets and missed opportunities.

We never know how much time we have. Don’t wait for the final call to
wake you up. Wake up to the opportunities that the light sends you
every day. They are your chances to design the life you see right before
your eyes.
Yehuda Berg
alchemists, who in their own way knew more about the nature of the
individuation process than we moderns do, expressed this paradox through
the symbol of the Ouroboros, the snake that eats its own tail. The
Ouroboros has been said to have a meaning of infinity or wholeness. In
the age-old image of the Ouroboros lies the thought of devouring oneself
and turning oneself into a circulatory process, for it was clear to the
more astute alchemists that the prima materia of the art was man
himself. The Ouroboros is a dramatic symbol for the integration and
assimilation of the opposite, i.e. of the shadow. This ‘feed-back’
process is at the same time a symbol of immortality, since it is said of
the Ouroboros that he slays himself and brings himself to life,
fertilizes himself and gives birth to himself. He symbolizes the One,
who proceeds from the clash of opposites, and he therefore constitutes
the secret of the prima materia which […] unquestionably stems from
man’s unconscious.” 

— Carl G. Jung: The Undiscovered Self, Jung on Alchemy
Life, we are lured by the material world where short-lived achievements
are based on self love and ambitions. Spiritual achievements, which are
Eternal, come about through Struggle to remain on the path of Spiritual

The Zohar
It is literally written:
expelled ‘Iod’ 'At’ the man, Vav caused 'Iod’ the tabernacle of the
east of the garden of Eden, the cherubim and the flame of the sword to
invert herself over to keep 'At’ the way of the tree of life.” “So Vav
expelled 'Iod’ 'At’ the man” [ ,[ויגרש את־האדם literally, “Vav ‘Yod’
expelled - את -AT - ha-Adam” (Genesis 3: 24). Do we know who expelled
who [Hebrew Asher -
אשר ], or who, it was [ את -AT] which was expelled,whether [Asher – אשר the third Logos] the Holy Spirit or not?
words are ‘va-i-garesh ath’ (Vav ‘Yod’ expelled ath). Who was this
‘Yod’? The scripture says ‘haadam’ (the man - the Brain, the head – Rosh
.(ראש After sinning it was Adam [the Brain, the head - Rosh ראש ] who
[through Iod] expelled here below [through the orgasm] who is here
called ‘ את - ath’ [the third Logos, the Holy Spirit “Asher - .[”  אשר
Scripture first informs us that the Lord God [Iod-Havah Elohim - Binah]
expelled Adam from out of [Daath] the [upper] garden of עדן Eden
[through the 'Vav" the Central Column of the Tree of Life], as Adam had
already expelled here below [through his “Iod,” in the lower garden of
עדן Eden - Yesod] the ’ את - ath’ (the third Logos, the Holy Spirit or
Substance Christ, contained within the “ ן Final Nun” of עדן Eden) when
[the Upper] Eden became closed to him, and the path leading to it
obliterated or hidden.

- Zohar
Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai (Rashbi) who lived in ancient Israel in the first century, and famous for the authorship of the Zohar, the chief work of Kabbalah.

Together with his son Rabbi Elazar, he went into hiding in a cave in
the northern region of Israel, where they stayed for 13 years. G‑d
caused a carob tree to spring up at the entrance to the cave, as well as
a spring of fresh water.  During this time he and his son only studied
the Torah, and he wrote the Zohar.

Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai died in Meron, a village near Safed, in the
Land of Israel. Many jews make an annual pilgrimage to his grave on the
eighteenth of Iyar (Lag BaOmer), the day he died, where they light candles and pray at his grave.
Xenosaga Zohar Keychain

i have to get the pic off my deviantart account because i’m not sure where

i put it on my computer

NOTE:i DON’T own this item,i’ve found it on a japanese auction site
YEARS ago but i’ve found it on another japanese site but i think they
sold out…i don’t think you can find this anywhere because i think you
have to

pre-order the xenosaga game in japan and get it and i think this item
you can only get in japan so,it’s very rare and kinda hard to find..
the protoplasts had not as yet lost their innocence and purity, they
heard within themselves the voice divine, the voice out of the Great
Silence. Guided and directed by divine wisdom, they walked and lived in
the divine light and were not afraid. As soon, however, as they
succumbed to temptation, they lapsed into a state of sin, of sorrow and
shame and found that though the voice was still audible, they could not
endure to hear it; and the sense of sin pervaded and prevailed
throughout the world up to the time when Israel [Tiphereth] stood at
the foot [Yesod] of Mount Sinai, purified from all defilement and thus
able to become conjoined with the Tree of Life, and partook of its
fruits, beholding the celestial glory.

They ascended higher and higher in the divine life, and lived in the
enjoyment of the Beatific Vision being filled with that interior peace
and tranquillity known and experienced only by those who understand the
mysteries of the higher and divine life.
 - Zohar

“The Holy
One protected them by impressing upon them his divine name, so that the
spirit of evil was unable to exercise power and influence over them and
thus corrupt them. Thus they lived, pure and protected, until they bowed
down and worshipped the golden calf. Then fell they from their high
estate and lost the divine protection which was as a cuirass or
protective armor against the assaults of evil that now again acquired
power over them and brought death unto their souls.”
- Zohar
and in silence, the innumerable majestic worlds careering in their
orbits throughout the boundless realms of space under the dominance and
guidance of an almighty principle of unity, are progressing and
approximating to one Divine center, so that unified and conjoined in
harmony, they may form an universal temple wherein all souls may

-  Zohar, Bereshith to Lekh Lekha: Or, Book of Light
who experiences the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and
all beings in his own Self, and looks on everything with an impartial

Quotes from the Buddha: Siddhārtha Gautama’s Wisest Sayings
“What we have done for ourselves alone, dies with us; what we have done for others and the world, remains and is immortal.”

-Albert Pike: Morals and Dogma : Scottish Rite in Freemasonry
a rock, though extremely hard, can be hollowed out by water, how much
more so should it be possible for The Light, which is compared to water,
to change my heart. I will begin to study it, and try to become a
scholar of The Light.
Rabbi Akiva
union of the two [upper and lower] natures [of - א - Aleph] in Adam
[the Vav – spinal medulla] is also referred to in the words, “Bone of my
bone and flesh of my flesh” (Genesis 2: 23). We also read that Elohoim
planted Adam, that is, Israel [Tiphereth, the Vav], in the sacred garden
of Eden, as it is written, “And יהוה אלהים took Ha-Adam and put him in
the garden of Eden” (Genesis 2:15). יהוה אלהים , Iod-Havah Elohim; that
is, the heavenly father and mother; “garden,” the lower Shekhinah; “in
Eden,” the heavenly mother; “Ha- Adam,” the middle column [central
nervous system] of the sephirotic tree; [which bottom is Yesod] from
which was formed [Malkuth] his wife, and who being his delight should
never be separated from him. It was then that the Holy One planted
Israel [in the heart of Malkuth], who are the [the right and left] holy
branches [or coronary arteries] of the [microcosmic] world [his
physicality], or, in other words, a race purer and better than those
that had formerly existed; as it is written, “The branch of my planting,
the work of my [Iods] hands, that I may be glorified” (Isaiah 60: 21).
“And out of the ground made יהוה אלהים to grow every tree that is
pleasant to the sight and good for food” (Genesis 2: 9). “ יהוה אלהים
denoting the celestial father and mother; “every tree that is pleasant
to the sight,” the Just; and “good for food,” the middle column
consisting of the sephiroth Kether, Tiphereth, Yesod, Malkuth, and from
which proceed those stores of food by which the righteous are sustained
and which, when mankind becomes purified and enlightened, will
contribute to the life of the world. Then will every one take of the
tree of life in the midst of the garden, and eat and live for ever more.

- Genesis 3: 22

- Zohar
not a philosopher. However, I am rather dazzled by the fact that many
of the basic mysteries that we find in String Theory and the theory of
everything seem to be mirrored in the Zohar and in the Kabbalah.

As a scholar, the most amazing thing of all is the degree to which modern astrophysics sounds like a Kabbalistic text.

This uncanny reflection of some of the most advanced cosmology
coming from our satellites, our atom smashers, and our blackboards are
mirrored in the Zohar and ancient Kabbalistic texts.”

- Michio Kaku: Beyond Einstein: The Cosmic Quest for the Theory of the Universe
not attribute duality to G-d (or the Universe).  Let G-d be solely
G-d.  If you suppose that Ayn Sof (infinity) emanates until a certain
point, and that from that point on is outside of it, you have dualized. 
Do not.  Realize, rather, that (infinity) exists in each existent.  Do
not say, ‘This is a stone and not G-d.'  Rather, all existence is G-d,
and the stone is a thing pervaded by divinity.”


The Book of Zohar


Eliphas Levi - The Magical Head of the Zohar, “Histoire de la Magie”, 1860.

Magical Head of Zohar is a cabalistic design illustrating the concept
of opposites, the principle of “As Above, So Below”, implying that the
transcendent God beyond the physical universe and the immanent God
within ourselves are one.
Giotto Di Bondone - The Seven Vices, 1306.

By order: Envy, Wrath, Inconstancy, Injustice, Foolishness, Infidelity, Desperation.
William Hunter - Signs of the Zodiac, “The Hunterian Psalter”, 1170.
William Fairfield Warren - The Egyptian View of the Universe, “The Earliest Cosmologies”, 1909.
Timeline of the Far Future.

scientific predictions of the future can never be absolutely certain,
present understanding in various fields allows for the prediction of far
future events, if only in the broadest strokes. These fields include
astrophysics, which has revealed how planets and stars form, interact,
and die; particle physics, which has revealed how matter behaves at the
smallest scales; evolutionary biology, which predicts how life will
evolve over time; and plate tectonics, which shows how continents shift
over millennia.

All projections of the future of the Earth, the
Solar System, and the Universe must account for the second law of
thermodynamics, which states that entropy, or a loss of the energy
available to do work, must increase over time. Stars eventually must
exhaust their supply of hydrogen fuel and burn out. Close encounters
gravitationally fling planets from their star systems, and star systems
from galaxies.

Eventually, matter itself is expected to come
under the influence of radioactive decay, as even the most stable
materials break apart into subatomic particles. Current data suggest
that the universe has a flat geometry (or very close to flat), and thus,
will not collapse in on itself after a finite time, and the infinite
future potentially allows for the occurrence of a number of massively
improbable events, such as the formation of a Boltzmann brain. This
timeline coverS events from roughly eight thousand years from now to the
furthest reaches of future time. A number of alternate future events
are listed to account for questions still unresolved, such as whether
humans will become extinct, whether protons decay, or whether Earth will
survive the Sun’s expansion into a red giant.
The Taijitu Shuo - Diagram Of The Supreme Polarity representing the whole of Taoist Cosmology.

single circle at the top of the Taijitu Shuo represents Wuji -
undifferentiated Timelessness. What we see below that is actually an
early version of the Yin-Yang Symbol - and represents the first movement
into Duality - the play of Yin Qi and Yang Qi. From the blending of Yin
Qi and Yang Qi come the Five Elements: Earth, Metal, Water, Wood &
Fire. From the Five Elements are born the “myriad things” of the world.

practitioners enter into a “Path of Return” - a movement from the
myriad things of the world back into Wuji. The Immortals, or those who
have entered the Tao, are those who have completed this “Path of

“Love is the source of all - love that is unconditional
and selfless: love which is totally free. Qi came into being, flowing
out of unconditional love. From timelessness, from Wuji, Qi created the
Universe. From a non-definable reality, Yin and Yang, the world of
Duality, came into being. Wuji became Taiji. Yin Qi and Yang Qi blended
together and gave birth to the Universe. It is Qii that created the
Universe and it is unconditional love that gave birth to Qi.” - Lu Jun
The Seven Superuniverses, “The Urantia Book”, 1955.

Urantia Book (sometimes called the Urantia Papers or The Fifth Epochal
Revelation) is a spiritual and philosophical book. The exact
circumstances of the origin of The Urantia Book are unknown. The book
and its publishers do not name a human author. Instead, it is written as
if directly presented by numerous celestial beings appointed to the
task of providing an “epochal” religious revelation.

According to
Urantia Papers, there are seven superuniverses in the grand universe,
and they are constituted approximately as follows:
1. The System.
The basic unit of the supergovernment consists of about one thousand
inhabited or inhabitable worlds. Spheres not suitable for creature
habitation are not included in this group. These one thousand worlds
adapted to support life are called a system. Each inhabited planet is
presided over by a Planetary Prince, and each local system has an
architectural sphere as its headquarters and is ruled by a System
2. The Constellation. One hundred systems (about
100,000 inhabitable planets) make up a constellation. Each constellation
has an architectural headquarters sphere and is presided over by three
Vorondadek Sons, the Most Highs. Each constellation also has a Faithful
of Days in observation, an ambassador of the Paradise Trinity.
3. The Local Universe.
One hundred constellations (about 10,000,000 inhabitable planets)
constitute a local universe. Each local universe has a magnificent
architectural headquarters world and is ruled by one of the co-ordinate
Creator Sons of God of the order of Michael. Each universe is blessed by
the presence of a Union of Days, a representative of the Paradise
4. The Minor Sector. One hundred local universes
(about 1,000,000,000 inhabitable planets) constitute a minor sector of
the superuniverse government; it has a wonderful headquarters world,
wherefrom its rulers, the Recents of Days, administer the affairs of the
minor sector.
5. The Major Sector. One hundred minor sectors
(about 100,000,000,000 inhabitable worlds) make one major sector. Each
major sector is provided with a superb headquarters and is presided over
by three Perfections of Days, Supreme Trinity Personalities.
6. The Superuniverse.
Ten major sectors (about 1,000,000,000,000 inhabitable planets)
constitute a superuniverse. Each superuniverse is provided with an
enormous and glorious headquarters world and is ruled by three Ancients
of Days.
7. The Grand Universe. Seven superuniverses make up
the present organized grand universe, consisting of approximately seven
trillion inhabitable worlds plus the architectural spheres and the one
billion inhabited spheres of Havona. The superuniverses are ruled and
administered indirectly and reflectively from Paradise by the Seven
Master Spirits. The billion worlds of Havona are directly administered
by the Eternals of Days, one such Supreme Trinity Personality presiding
over each of these perfect spheres.
Evert Van Soudenbalch - God Enthroned at the Summit of the Cosmos, 1460.
Wishing everyone a great day, and thank you for following! 

Robert Fludd - Under Your Wings, “Utriusque Cosmi”, 1621.

David kneels before the Highest saying: “Under the Shadow of your wings
I rejoice” (Psalm 63:7). The theme recalls the Rosicrucian manifesto of
1614 that ended with similar words: “Sub umbra alarum tuarum Jehovah”.
The clouds have parted to let David see directly the Tetragrammaton, the
unpronounceable word that the Jews refer to as Adonai (Lord) or simply
as Shem (The Word). Fludd generally used these Hebrew letters to
represent God in his diagrams. Kabbalists are easily accommodated to the
doctrine of the Trinity: the three different letters Yod, He and Vau,
which are interpreted as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Claude Paradin - Nec Fas Est, Nec Posse Reor (It is neither Law nor can be), “Devises Heroïques”, 1557.
John Lydgate - Astrological diagram of the Sun, Moon, Zodiacal Constellations and the Elements, “Miscellaneous Treaties on Alchemy”, 1450.
Thomas Wright - A Central Section of Creation with the All-Seeing Eye, “An Original Theory or New Hypothesis of the Universe”, 1750.

astronomical and theological concepts, Thomas Wright proposed a version
of the universe where the stars are arranged in a spherical shell
separated from a supernatural center by a huge gap. The stars are in
motion about the center, like planets. And the stars form individual
solar systems that make up the Milky Way galaxy. The center of Wright’s
universe is the domain of a divine Presence, who is responsible for all
the motion of the stars. Wright’s universe is modified by Immanuel Kant,
who saw the stars not as an unordered crowd, but an ordered system
lying in a plan moving by motions guided by Newton’s laws of motion.
Valentin Vigo - Oneness, 1695.

Alchemists held a vision of totality and connection of all elements.
They sought to uncover the knowledge unlocked in the secrets of the
elements. In  this worldview, transformation was the essence of the
alchemical search for wisdom and power. All that is – is one
inconceivable invisible connection of harmonies flowing, exchanging, and
sharing their powers in infinite fields.  Chi Gong works in connection
to all that holds Chi: earth, heaven, air, metal, wood, fire, water,
etc. This image captures the beautiful alchemy of Chi and the
orchestration that takes place all around us. It is so subtle that it is
invisible to our eyes, but not to our energy bodies. The intelligence
in nature is one of energy transformation and exchange in balance,
enhancing feedback flows and minimizing waste.
Salomon Trismosin - A
Three-Headed Monster in an Alchemical Flask representing the
Composition of the Alchemical Philosopher’s Stone: Salt, Sulphur and
, “Splendor Solis”, 1532.
Johannes Kepler - Geometrical Harmonies in the Perfect Solids, “Harmonices Mundi”, 1619.

was convinced “that the geometrical things have provided the Creator
with the model for decorating the whole world”. In Harmony, he attempted
to explain the proportions of the natural world - particularly the
astronomical and astrological aspects - in terms of music. The central
set of “harmonies” was the Musica Universalis or “Music of the Spheres”.

began by exploring regular polygons and regular solids, including the
figures that would come to be known as Kepler’s solids.
resulted from the tones made by the souls of heavenly bodies - and in
the case of astrology, the interaction between those tones and human
souls. In the final portion of the work, Kepler dealt with planetary
motions, especially relationships between orbital velocity and orbital
distance from the Sun. Similar relationships had been used by other
astronomers, but Kepler treated them much more precisely and attached
new physical significance to them.
Robert Fludd - Divine Monochord, “Utriusque Cosmi Metaphysica, Physica Atque Technica Historia”, 1617.

in 1617, Fludd published series of richly illustrated large format
volumes putting forward his own mystical alchemical theories of the
natural world. Fludd’s philosophy was based on a Paracelsian
micro-cosmos macro-cosmos theory and he interpreted the world in terms
of a series of highly complex mystical diagrams rather like Buddhist
mandalas. He believed that one could only approach the true essence of
nature through such symbolic representations and he explicitly rejected
the then emerging mathematical description of the physical world.
Central to Fludd picture of the world was the so-called Pythagorean
monocord, an instrument that displayed the numerical harmonies of
Pythagorean philosophy. 
Leonardo Da Vinci’s Drawings of the Platonic Solids.
La Luna.
Zodiac Wheel, “The Voynich Manuscript”, early 15th century.
Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians of the 16th and 17th centuries.

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