sábado, 3 de septiembre de 2016

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“A great fish [letter Nun
Final] coming from the left swims through all these waterways to poison
and corrupt them. Its scales are as steel. From its mouth comes forth a
lurid flame and its tongue is like a sharp sword. Its object is to force
its way into the sanctuary of the great ocean to pollute and defile it
and thus extinguish light, and causing the waters to become frozen, and
the great circulatory water system may cease to operate. "The occult
meaning of this mystery is expressed in the words of scripture, ‘Now the
serpent was wiser than any beast of the field which יהוה אלהים had
made,’ (Genesis 3: 1). This Ida serpent wished to accomplish his aim by
first corrupting the brooklets below [in Yesod] and making them impure
and bitter, so that flowing back to the great ocean their fountain head,
it might become polluted. This is why he first seduced Adam and brought
death into the world and entered into the heart of Adam from the left
"There is, however, another serpent that comes from the right.
These two serpents [Pingala and Ida] are they that are closely attached
to [Sushumna] Adam during his lifetime, as scripture saith, 'of all the
beasts of the field that יהוה אלהים had made,’ these two are the most
cunning, crafty and subtle in tempting and destroying Adam. Woe unto him
[the Initiate] who allows himself to be led on and seduced by the
serpent, for death irretrievable is his doom, physically, morally and
spiritually, both to himself and to those associated with him, as in the
case of Adam who wished to know and become expert in nature’s secrets
and occult science. In revealing them and exciting within him a
fictitious joy and happiness, the serpent acquired that influence and
control over Adam that contributed to and brought his ruin and downfall
and thus caused him to suffer, as also his successors. From the day that
Israel came to the foot [Yesod] of Mount Sinai, the impurity and
corruption wrought by the serpent has not disappeared from the world

- Zohar 

narratives of the Doctrine are its cloak. The simple look only at the
garment—that is, upon the narrative of the Doctrine; more they know not.
The instructed, however, see not merely the cloak, but what the cloak
The Zohar

in the world can bother you as much as your own mind, I tell you. In
fact, others seem to be bothering you, but it is not others, it is your
own mind.”

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: What Is Meditation?

“Bring into play the almighty power within you, so that on the stage of life you can fulfill your high destined role.”

~Paramahansa Yogananda: Autobiography of a Yogi

The Lost Symbol
“Today’s physics deals with concepts that would have been unimaginable to the ancients.”
  “Like what?”
  “Well … like entanglement theory,
for one!” Subatomic research had now proven categorically that all
matter was interconnected … entangled in a single unified mesh … a kind
of universal oneness. “You’re telling me the ancients sat around
discussing entanglement theory?”
  “Absolutely!” Peter said, pushing his long, dark bands out of his eyes.
“Entanglement was at the core of primeval beliefs. Its names are as old
as history itself … Dharmakaya, Tao, Brahman. In fact, man’s oldest
spiritual quest was to perceive his own entanglement, to sense his own
interconnection with all things. He has always wanted to become ‘one’
with the universe … to achieve the state of 'at-one-ment.’” Her brother
raised his eyebrows. “To this day, Jews and Christians still strive for
'at-one-ment’ … although most of us have forgotten it is actually
'at-one-ment’ we are seeking.”
Katherine sighed, having forgotten
how hard it was to argue with a man so well versed in history. “Okay,
but you’re talking in generalities. I’m talking specific physics.”
  “Then be specific.” His keen eyes challenged her now.
  “Okay, how about something as simple as polarity-the positive/negative balance of the subatomic realm. Obviously, the ancients didn’t underst-”
on!“ Her brother pulled down a large dusty text, which he dropped
loudly on the library table. "Modern polarity is nothing but the 'dual
world’ described by Krishna here in the Bhagavad Gita over two thousand
years ago. A dozen other books in here, including the Kybalion, talk about binary systems and the opposing forces in nature.”
  Katherine was skeptical. “Okay, but if we talk about modern discoveries in subatomics-the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, for example-”
  “Then we must look here,”
Peter said, striding down his long bookshelf and pulling out another
text. “The sacred Hindu Vendantic scriptures known as the Upanishads.”
He dropped the tome heavily on the first. “Heisenberg and Schrodinger studied this text and credited it with helping them formulate some of their theories.”

The showdown continued for several minutes, and the stack of dusty
books on the desk grew taller and taller. Finally Katherine threw up her
hands in frustration. “Okay! You made your point, but I want to study
cutting-edge theoretical physics. The future of science! I
really doubt Krishna or Vyasa had much to say about superstring theory
and multidimensional cosmological models.”
  “You’re right. They
didn’t.” Her brother paused, a smile crossing his lips. “If you’re
talking superstring theory …” He wandered over to the bookshelf yet
again. “Then you’re talking this books here.” He heaved out a colossal leather-bound book and dropped it with a crash onto the desk.
“Thirteenth-century translation of the original medieval Aramaic.”
  “Superstring theory in the thirteenth century?!” Katherine wasn’t buying it. “Come on!”
Superstring theory was a brand-new cosmological model. Based on the
most recent scientific observations, it suggested the multidimensional
universe was made up not of three … but rather of ten dimensions, which all interacted like vibrating strings, similar to resonating violin strings.
Katherine waited as her brother heaved open the book, ran through the
ornately printed table of contents, and then flipped to a spot near the
beginning of the book. “Read this.” He pointed to a faded page of text
and diagrams.
  Dutifully, Katherine studied the page. The
translation was old-fashioned and ver hard to read, but to her utter
amazement, the text and drawings clearly outlined the exact same
universe heralded by modern superstring theory - a ten dimensional
universe of resonating strings. As she continued reading, she suddenly
gasped and recoiled. “My God, it even describes how six of the
dimensions are entangled and act as one?!” She took a frightened step
backward. 'What is this book?!“
  Her brother grinned. … He flipped back to the title page, where an ornately printed plate bore three words.
  The Complete Zohar
  Katherine eyed the book. "You’re saying the early mystics knew their universe had ten dimensions?”
“Absolutely.” He motioned to the page’s illustration of ten intertwined
circles called Sephiroth. “Obviously the nomenclature is esoteric, but
the physics is very advanced.”

Σεφαραδική Βίβλος, 1385
Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque - Isfahan, Iran

Located on the eastern side of the Naqsh-e Jahan Square, the mosque
was built between 1603-1619 during the Safavid dynasty. It was built for
the Lebanese Shia cleric Sheikh Lotfollah who was invited to Iran by
the Safavid rulers. Sheikh Lotfollah’s salary came directly from the

The purpose of the mosque was for it to be a private mosque for the
royal court, unlike the Shah Mosque which was larger & meant for the
public. It was only centuries later when the mosque was open to the
public that ordinary citizens & also westerners could have access to
it & could admire the beautiful architecture. The mosque is an
architectural masterpiece of Persian-Islamic architecture.
The virgin and the dragon; my artwork

Silkscreen on gold foil
The Almighty; my artwork

Silkscreen on gold foil
The Broken column; my artwork
Silkscreen on gold foil
Isis - Urania; my artwork
Silkscreen on gold foil
The woman clothed with sun; my artwork
Silkscreen on gold foil
Adam and Eve; my artwork

Silkscreen on gold foil
The cyrillo - methodian cross (my arts&crafts work)
The burning bush (my artwork; silkscreen on gold foil)

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